Ryan Coburn
606 4th Ave SouthLethbridge, AB T1J 0N7
My Background
Ryan is a passionate advocate for his clients’ well being and is constantly thinking about how his team can make sure they are doing the very best for their clients and their families.
Offering customized investment solutions, preparing, and providing cash flow plans, engaging clients in Estate and Will planning discussions, reviewing family debt and lending situations are valued services by their clients.
Personally, work isn’t "work" for Ryan as he "eats, sleeps and breathes" the markets and enjoys helping people understand finances. When not at the office he likes to spend time golfing with friends and introducing the game to his son. Getting away to a sunny destination or taking in a good concert are at the top of his list of what's needed to get recharged!
Ryan has been in the financial industry since 2001. He graduated from the University of Lethbridge, with a Bachelor of Management, majoring in Finance. Ryan spent the first two years of University in Phoenix, AZ, at Grand Canyon University, where he attended on a Golf Scholarship, playing NCAA Competitive Golf. He holds his Professional Financial Planner (PFP) and Chartered Investment Manager (CIM) Designation and is a Registered Portfolio Manager. Ryan is also Insurance Licensed in the Province of Alberta.
Ryan was nominated in 2016 for the Investment Industry Association of Canada (IIAC) Top Under 40 Award.
Since 2009, Ryan has also been a member of the Management Team within BMO Nesbitt Burns, currently serving as a Vice President, Market Leader for BMO Private Wealth
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